Documents, shipments of parcel cargo to Colombia.


Personal information (Name, Last Name, Phone, email).

Full address of destination.

Make the payment through interac or virement.

Send your package to our locker.

If your shipment is a parcel, must weigh at least 10Lbs.


Does the tracking service have an additional value?

Not at all, the tracking service is included at no additional cost. 

Do you deliver to post-office boxes?

Indeed. We will ship to any place that accepts deliveries.

Is shipping insurance mandatory? What is your coverage?

All our shipments have a mandatory insurance with a total loss coverage. Its value is 5 $ per 100 $, the maximum
insured value is 500$.

What is the minimum weight for a parcel shipment?

The minimum weight is 10 pounds.

Are there any restrictions or prohibitions on the delivery service

No cell phones are accepted, nor are any items considered illegal in Canada or in the country of final delivery.

What types of transportation do you offer?

The wrong method of transit can cost you a lot of time and money. Therefore, to ensure you the best option, we
offer shipments exclusively by air.
Considering that sea freight takes up to 40 days longer than air freight, air freight is the fastest way to ship today. In
addition, your security is increased and you are offered extensive worldwide shipping coverage.